Yesterday, my sims had a wedding. When I was putting the decoration, I thought "It's really difficult to find a good items or clothes to the weddings". After od this, I started to find items for weddings, and today I bring you to enjoy them :)
Clothes for Women
For womens, I like long dresses and beautiful veils:
I hate the colors in this suit, but you can change it in "Create a Style"
You can do the party in your house, or celebrate a private wedding. But if you want to married in a very beautiful place, celebrate this in a one of this solars:
Download this for the perfect wedding. You'll have a perfect photos!
Uff, I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Tomorrow are the recuperations!
Byee :3
Today I make a "reportage" of the new world in the store: Dragon Valley. ¡Enjoy!
The Sims 3: Dragon Valley
Dragon Valley is a neighborhood in the Store downloadable (But you need to pay) , was released for sale on May 30, 2013. The theme of this world focuses on the medieval, which babies will introduce dragons. It was first announced in the live broadcast of the April 16, 2013. It has been confirmed that will be available in physical format on 12 September 2013.En this world we can see the dragons and the clothes are similar to The Sims: Medieval.
All you are walking around there with arms dragons as pets. But do not you see? We're still recovering, at last we have reconstituted after the siege to our original Dragon Land.
The O'Connell "landed" in our world with his ability to tame dragons and since then, we have done more to follow! When were the Mithrilen we used to keep the village safe!
Do not let them put a blindfold over his eyes. Look at the dragons. Are supposed to be "babies", but still make the most malicious things!
This can only end in misery. Let me help. The family Mithrilen know our customs and traditions and our bond with the earth. Let me guide you to a secure future, before it's too late.
2/1. Baby Dragons
Dragons return as interactive small pets that can hatch from dragon eggs. A dragon egg can be purchased in Buy mode for §395. There are four types of dragon: Green, Purple, Red, and Armored Black. Each dragon will give a special moodlet when Sims hold them, which will increase their certain motives. This makes some players consider dragons are very cheaty objects in the game.
2/2. Types of Dragons
Red Dragon
Fire! Fire! If you are a person who has enemies, the red dragon is the ideal companion for you! It's bold and aggressive, and willing to scorch anyone you do not like. If you have a mean streak and want to throw you a few laughs, try to throw the fiery torment another Sim. But beware, if you use your dragon against your friends and neighbors, they may not have high regard to your great new friend!
A red dragons love the fire! Ask you use yours to help you harass your enemies and neighbors!
Throw the fiery torment at the foot of another Sim to see him dance!
Get the new mood of the Red Dragon brand, which has a positive effect on energy and health needs!
Green Dragon
It's no secret that dragons hoard and protect. And the green dragons are no exception. If you are looking emeralds and diamonds, a green dragon can be a fantastic friend! But these dragons not only like treasures. They can also help you grow and harvest all the plants in your lot! For something called "green".
A green dragons love treasure! Watch as lightning invoked to bring up a special surprise!
Do your plants do not grow fast enough? Have too many to harvest without help? The green dragon can lend a cable!
Get the new mood Brand Green Dragon, which has a positive effect on hunger and bladder needs!
Purple Dragon
If the light and happiness they give to get out together and having a pet mega-exultant, should be a purple dragon. This creature vomit literally sparkles and rainbows! Nothing attracts the Sims as these fantastic and lovely companions. Let a purple dragon is the accomplice of portable raids your Sim!
A purple dragons love to interact and party!
Ask one you get new friends or make your party the best of it.
Mejórale some day someone with a runic enchantment.
Get the new mood Brand purple dragon, which has a positive effect on social and entertainment needs!
Armored Black Dragon
Be afraid. But it really scared! Nothing says "stay away ..., I'm a sinister, mysterious and lonely" as the company of a black dragon shield! These creatures, who live tormented by lost souls and never in a good mood, distant attitude become an art. Red dragons may be able to turn your enemies into singe, but that you would miss the fun of watching them suffer! This elusive Dragon exclusive can be unlocked by having both Sims 3 ™ Dragon Valley and the Duke of Arcos Renaissance fair.
A black dragons curses love! Throw them ghostly curse all those who oppose you (and some of you do not!).
Make a pact with darkness flowers invoking death's shadows!
Summons for lost souls lurk where you are.
Get the new mood Brand black dragon, which has a positive effect on energy requirements and hungry!
3. Golden Version
Enjoy the mysteries of a bygone era with these Celtic inspired pieces! Marvel at all these relics of ancient people and feel part of the story incorporating these items to your home or garden. Give to present a touch of the past with the whole "Celtic Lands"! Only available through specific promotions.
4/1. Families
Fintan still harbors resentment for the removal of Mithrilen as village leaders. Still can not believe how fast all the O'Connell accepted a foreign family and believes they should have been on guard in place of the little dragons leave part of their lives. His intention is to protect the village at all costs, but eventually his anger and his obsession for causing suffering to your family?
Budget: § 8000
Difficulty: 3
Members: Aine Riordan Fistan and Mithrilen.
The O'Connell family leads to the front of the village since his great great grandfather, Captain O'Connell, landed here and helped the villagers to tame the dragons. A deal Seamus loves the village, but is starting to wonder whether it would be better to establish a democracy.
Daric loves her garden. There is nothing that you like. He would spend all his time on it if I could, but eating, sleeping and other "needs" would impede human. Sometimes I wish I was a statue. This could be in your garden forever.
Budget: § 700
Difficulty: 1
Members: Daric Ordhen
Knitting Riley has not led an easy life. He had to raise a daughter alone almost adolescent who wants more than anything, and, with his work as a baker, whenever it is harder to make ends meet and get along with her child. Can they overcome the difficulties and eventually overcome the situation?
Budget: § 800
Difficulty: 2
Members: Riley Knitting, Knitting Zoe.
Hugh Grey leads a quiet life of isolation and loves. Alone in his lighthouse can devote the day to write novels, to garden and keep the waters safe. Adora peace of his lonely life, but put a new romance with Nessie Lochlan a little color in your life?
Budget: § 900
Difficulty: 1
Members: Hugh Grey.
Maeve has lived on a boat all his life. His father was a captain, and she spent her youth pillaging cities with his best friend, Martin. But now that both are adults and married, is costing parents used to exercise with your little one, Liam. And with another sucker on the way, the question arises: levarán take root or anchor?
Budget: § 2300
Difficulty: 3
Members: Martin Eames, Maeve and Liam Eames Eames.
The Loch Ness monster exists! Or not? Nessie is a budding journalist with good star! Just follow taking pictures of this mysterious "monster" sea and its cache will rise like foam! With his career so well channeled, hopes to tidy up your love life with the mysterious lighthouse keeper, Mr. Grey.
Budget: § 1000
Difficulty: 1
Members: Nessie Lochlam
A Robin Sims loves to walk and is always willing to do whatever is in their power to help them, although it is illegal. He and his wife, Marian, do not have much money or personal items because he is dedicated to give away! His intentions are good, but Marian hopes to teach that stealing is not the solution.
Budget: § 700
Difficulty: 2
Members: Hooley Robin and Marian Hooley.
Finn never imagined he would end up marrying the girl he rescued from a vicious wolf attack many years ago, but here it is, living with a grandmother and a beautiful wife who loves red caps. Now expecting their first child, asks: is it time to increase monitoring or guard down a little?
Budget: § 4000
Difficulty: 3
Members: Sarah Dolan, Dolan and Wynn Finn Byrne.
Become the parallel is easy when you have a reason to. Quinn uses his charm and good humor to approach Sims and its secrets! It is the gossip columnist of the village and gossip out alone when you laugh rock.
Budget: § 2,000
Difficulty: 1
Members: Quinn Flanagan.
Women, women and more women! That is all I see Conor. When he opens his eyes, his little daughter has spent herself for her attentions, before closing, have a wife beside exhausted, and in the middle of both, has a teenage daughter looking at him like a freak. What a life! It is overwhelming, but not change it for anything.
Budget: § 2500
Difficulty: 3
Members: Conor O'Reilly, Chloe O'Reilly, O'Reilly and Fiona O'Reilly Morrigan.
4/2. Families returning
Remedies and Lolo decided to embark on one last adventure prenuptial and sail around the world before marrying. And so ended here! But get find a way to return home before the big day?
Budget: § 5000
Difficulty: 2
Members: Lolo Clavel and Remedies Clavel
4/3. Dead sims
Geoffrey Gary
Taylor Judah
Niall MIthrilen
Sophia Carol
Donal O'Connell
These are the sims died of Dragon Valley neighborhood found in the cemetery The Mounds.
5. Trailer
There are a short information, I now, but I don't have any simpoints and I can't enjoy this world U_u
Byee :3
martes, 11 de junio de 2013
In my anterior post, I explain how install and use poses for TS3. Now, I bring you the most beautiful poses I find. ¡Enjoy it!
All of these poses aren't my original creations. I find this in internet, but I put the link of the blog of the creators for not problems with copyright.
This poses are for PosePlayer. If you think to install it, view this: